Thursday, January 10, 2013

More Spam Musubi

I decided to do another blog post about my spam musubi, since I ended up making more for my hubby to bring to work. A lot of my Instagram followers wanted to know how I make em, all the ingredients and step by step. Instead of using regular Spam, I used the SPiCY one. I added furikake (rice seasoning), Shonga' (pickled red ginger), and Kimchi.


Our usual breakfast

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Spam Musubi

                      Today's lunch: Spam Musubi.
        I added furikake,kimchi & red ginger :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I make empanadas almost every weekend. My husband and his mother enjoys it so much. They always request it be super spicy, in our case, PIKAKA! :P It's definitely not easy work, but it sure is satisfying :)

Childhood faves

so many child faves! i love all these stuff from back home. My mommy is the best, she always sends me snacks from back home :)

Tamales Gisu

                  Delicious Tamales Gisu! I remember stopping by marg's kitchen every morning to buy some tamales gisu and empanadas before my class. Love this! i was craving for it recently and decided it's time to learn! So here is it.... Mmmm..

Asian snack haul

our snack haul from the asian store. lots of goodies. Asparagus crackers are so bomb! and of course, banana leaves for apigigi' :)